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Understanding Your Hair Type

kireeta blog page An Introduction to Scalp Health & Hair Growth

Everyone wants healthy hair and tries to get the right kind of product, hoping that maybe these products do some magic. Well, if you go into purchasing hair products without understanding your hair, you might as well carry a pocket of a miracle.

It is essential to understand one’s hair type, as it guides you towards the products that your hair needs and the products your hair needs to avoid. You don’t have to obsess over hair types; you just need to be aware of your hair type, which can be revolutionary for your hair care routine.


In this article, you will understand hair structure, hair texture, hair density, hair porosity, hair greasiness, hair elasticity, and curl pattern.


1- Hair Structure:

The Cuticle- It is the protective layer of the hair; it consists of cells that appear like fish scales/ roof tiles facing downwards.

The Cortex: This section is in charge of forming your hair’s primary bulk and pigment (color). It comprises long keratin filaments linked together by disulfide and hydrogen bonds. The health of your cortex is heavily reliant on the health quality of the Cuticle that protects it.

The Medulla: It is only present in the thicker hair; it’s pretty unfortunate, as it is the innermost layer of the hair, which includes transparent cells and air voids forming a delicate, thin core.


2- Hair Texture

Hair texture usually refers to the thickness of strands, which can be divided into three categories: coarse/thick, medium, and fine.

Thick/ Coarse Hair: This hair texture has all three layers; cortex, cuticle, and medulla. Thick hair can hold a hairstyle well, as it’s more tolerant to styling products, hair dye, and heat compared to fine or medium hair. On the other hand, thick hair requires more time to dry and get frizzy in humid weather.

Medium Hair: It is the most common hair texture; it has two layers, cortex and cuticle, and may have medulla- the third layer. Compared to fine hair, it is more tolerant towards breakage.

Fine Hair: This type of hair structure is most fragile, as each hair has only two layers; cortex and cuticle. This hair structure usually makes it difficult to hold a hairstyle or gets oily quickly, and the product can weigh the hair texture down, leading the hair to break easily.


3- Hair Density

While hair texture refers to the size of the circumference of the hair (thickness/ thinness), hair density touches on how thin or thick our hair is collectively. For instance, one can have fine hair that is very dense or can have thick hair with low density.

To measure your hair density, tie a ponytail and measure the circumference. If it’s more than 4 inches, you have thick-density hair, if it’s between 2-3 inches, you have medium-density hair, and if it’s less than two, you have low-density hair.

4- Hair Porosity

Hair porosity defines the ability of hair to retain and absorb moisture. It also enhances the ability to absorb products; therefore, knowing your hair’s porosity will help you make the right choice concerning hair product for your hair.

You can test the porosity of hair by submerging a single strand of hair in a bowl of water. Suppose the hair strand sinks to the bottom. In that case, it then signifies high porosity. If the hair strand is floating in between and looks evenly balanced, it signifies medium/average porosity. If the hair strand is floating on the surface, it has low porosity.

High porosity hair is more prone to damage and dries quickly. Medium Porosity hair requires less effort to maintain and is less prone to damage. Low porosity hair takes longer to dry, and products often get settled on top of the hair.


5- Hair Greasiness

Understanding the greasiness of the hair helps you realize the amount of time you need to wash your hair and allows you to choose the right product. Before going to sleep at night, properly wash your hair and allow it to air dry. Do a patch test on your scalp as soon as you wake up. You can apply pressure to your scalp with a tissue, especially towards the crown of your head and behind your ears. The quantity of oil-soaked on the tissue determines how greasy your hair is.

A heavily greasy patch on the tissue signifies that you have oily hair, a light patch of oil signifies a normal scalp, and no oil indicates dehydration. If you find oil deposition only in the specific area of your scalp, generally hair over the temples and behind the ears, it indicates that you have a combination of hair.


6- Hair Elasticity

The amount to which a single hair strand can stretch before returning to its usual form is referred to as hair elasticity. It is an accurate indicator of hair health. Hair with high elasticity has the most luster and bounce of any hair type and is considered the strongest.

Hair with high elasticity, when wet, can stretch up to 50% of its original length, hair with medium elasticity will break after being stretched beyond some extent. Lastly, hair with low elasticity will almost break immediately.


7- Curl Pattern

There are four types of curl patterns: Straight hair (type 1), Wavy hair (type 2), Curly hair (type 3), and Coily Hair (type 4). All four types are further divided into multiple verticals. If you have straight hair, there are more chances of having fine hair with high oil secretion. If you have wavy hair, your hair can hold a style and has a slightly rough texture and thicker diameter. If you have curly hair, you will have a higher density of hair compared to straight and wavy hair types, but at the same time, your hair can get frizzy and tangled quickly. If you have coily hair, there is a high possibility of breakage if the hair is not cared for, as the high density of the coily hair results in tight curls.


Now that you are equipped with the correct information, you can make better choices for your hair and get the right kind of products. Knowing your hair type can lead you to the holy grail of hair products. If you are looking for outstanding natural products, check out our shop.


Thank you for reading. Stay Safe. Have a great day!